Enjoy the path

Life on fast forward, daily stress, the pressure of job performance, work-life balance are some of our contemporary work related challanges. Sounds familiar? Then career coaching might just be the answer for you!

My Mission
means your success

Keeping trust and authenticity at the core of my activity, my mission is to offer people accessible career counseling and coaching services, so that everyone has the chance to have a professional life that fulfills them.


On the professional scene, many times we may not feel we have the support we need during difficult times. Achieving professional goals can be difficult and stressful.

Enjoy the path

Life on fast forward, daily stress, the pressure of job performance, work-life balance are some of our contemporary work related challanges. Sounds familiar? Then career coaching might just be the answer for you!

My Mission
means your success

Keeping trust and authenticity at the core of my activity, my mission is to offer people accessible career counseling and coaching services, so that everyone has the chance to have a professional life that fulfills them.

WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG POINTS?Put it into perspective

On the professional scene, many times we may not feel we have the support we need during difficult times. Achieving professional goals can be difficult and stressful.

Vocational Counselling

A structured process which guides teenagers and young adults to find their vocation and to create a career plan to fulfill that vocation.

Career Coaching

A highly personal and strong tool for experienced professionals and managers that will equip you to make the best choices in a wide variety of professional situations.

HR Consultancy

A service for companies whose goal is to build a people-centered workplace which capitalizes on the most important resource nowadays, their engaged employees. The common purpose is to keep them successful and relevant on the market.

I am here for you

Whether you are pondering which career direction to choose, you are looking for a new job or you want to improve your (team) work performance, the process is similar.

I am here for you

Whether you are pondering which career direction to choose, you are looking for a new job or you want to improve your (team) work performance, the process is similar.
STEP 1Assessment of your needs
Is a coach the best solution for me?
Free 20 minutes discussion to establish if you really need a coach and to get to know each other, also called a chemistry session.
STEP 2Goal setting
Where do I want to go?
Goals turn dreams into reality. Know what you want to achieve and when.
STEP 3Explore
What resources do I have?
We find out together what is important to you and why, your interests and skills and how they impact your career. Then we discuss options.
STEP 4Decide
How do I make the best decision?
Decision-making is a process and not an easy one. I will support you with structured tools that will enable you to take the best decision for you at this point in your life.
STEP 5Action plan
How do I make it happen?
Create a tactical plan to get you from where you are today to where you want to be. I will challenge you to fine-tune your plan and make it realistic.
Making career coaching services accessible to everybody is one of my most important goals.


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I am here for you

Whether you are pondering which career direction to choose, you are looking for a new job or you want to improve your (team) work performance, the process is similar.

I am here for you

Whether you are pondering which career direction to choose, you are looking for a new job or you want to improve your (team) work performance, the process is similar.
STEP 1Assessment of your needs
Is a coach the best solution for me?
Free 20 minutes discussion to establish if you really need a coach and to get to know each other, also called a chemistry session.
STEP 2Goal setting
Where do I want to go?
Goals turn dreams into reality. Know what you want to achieve and when.
STEP 3Explore
What resources do I have?
We find out together what is important to you and why, your interests and skills and how they impact your career. Then we discuss options.
STEP 4Decide
How do I make the best decision?
Decision-making is a process and not an easy one. I will support you with structured tools that will enable you to take the best decision for you at this point in your life.
STEP 5Action plan
How do I make it happen?
Create a tactical plan to get you from where you are today to where you want to be. I will challenge you to fine-tune your plan and make it realistic.

My Mission
means your success
Keeping trust and authenticity at the core of my activity, my mission is to offer people accessible career counseling and coaching services, so that everyone has the chance to have a professional life that fulfills them.

My Mission
means your success
Keeping trust and authenticity at the core of my activity, my mission is to offer people accessible career counseling and coaching services, so that everyone has the chance to have a professional life that fulfills them.

The best investment you can make
is in yourself

You may be wondering, 'Is career coaching right for me?' or 'Should I invest in a career coach?' On one hand coaching seems expensive but, on the other, it can be life changing. Some testimonials from real clients could help you make up your mind.

“All this experience made me become a better person, more balanced, more determined, and with a plan of attack. I wasn’t expecting such an important outcome and I couldn’t have wished for something else!”

A.S, Aviation Compliance Manager

“Career counseling with Paula instilled in me the desire to evolve and bring out the best version of myself. I understood how important it is to set goals and in my mind was emphasized the idea of persisting over things until you reach the desired point”

R.T., Law Student

“During my career counseling sessions, through the tests I have taken, I found out what suits me best, what my priorities are in life and what I really want to do.”

Andreea, graduate of the Faculty of Law in Bucharest

“All this experience made me become a better person, more balanced, more determined, and with a plan of attack. I wasn’t expecting such an important outcome and I couldn’t have wished for something else!”

Ing Dipl. A.S.

“Always very clarifying sessions with Paula. I like the fact that she surprises me with a new way, with various
games. I feel no monotony at all, and this helps me stay connected. I feel her completely supporting me and that
helps me to open, to feel free to be myself. She is the best coach I’ve ever turned to.”

A.P, Massage Therapist

“As a coach, Paula has a flexible approach and can work with a variety of methods, and in any level of depth preferred and supported by the client.”

D.O., Corporate Tax Director

“I can say that this was my best investment so far. If you get to know your own resources, to work with them, you succeed in what you set out to achieve.”

Alina Z., Architect

“Paula is an excellent professional in what she does. She is warm, empathetic and it’s easy to tell her about your fears. Talking to her, you get to wonder how you had them in the first place :). I liked that the process was organized, and she did not lengthen the meetings unnecessarily. You really come out changed for the better after you finish the sessions.”

Gabriela M., Trainer

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years of experience
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international accreditations and
local certifications in the domain
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clients consulted/coached
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years of experience
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international accreditations and
local certifications in the domain
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international accreditations and local certifications in the domain
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satisfaction rate
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years of experience

It's time to unravel your potential
and invest in yourself

These packages were designed to make career coaching accessible for everyone, while keeping professionalism to the highest standards. Check below the most popular packages.

The knowledge you gain is priceless…the results are spot on accurate. Worth every penny.


I wish I’d have known of her services upon leaving college. I would have spent much less time in a professional funk!


Your advice led me to where I am today…This is absolutely the job I’ve been looking for my entire career!


Within one month I got the job of my dreams in business development with a Fortune 100 company.


Discover, apply, choose

When it comes to your career management, having a professional career coach at your side is a key element to your support system. Our newsletter will keep you up to date and will guide you through choosing your career.
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A bright career with
our simple programme

Are you stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not sure which career direction to take? If you want to have a job you are passionate about, the good news is you can! Find your dream job using our proven, comprehensive 6 step program.

A bright career with our simple programme

Are you stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not sure which career direction to take? If you want to have a job you are passionate about, the good news is you can! Find your dream job using our proven, comprehensive 6 step program.

Team serving you
to forward your career

Our methodology differentiates us from other career coaching firms and ensures clients receive unsurpassed service at all stages of their career.


Michael combines her over 30+ year’s corporate experience with his solid bottom line coaching approach to career solutions.


Emma knows that tackling one’s own resume can be a challenge, simply because it can be difficult to view your own experience with unbiased eyes.


Brad has over 25 years experience in writing job descriptions, evaluations, and awards for all fields, levels of work experience, and employment.
Career (re)launch
For students/ young adults who aim to get their first job or for professionals interested career reconversion
  • ○ 5 X 1h individual career counselling sessions
  • ○ Multiple career tests (personality, abilities, values, interests)
  • ○ Individual report
  • ○ Advice on your resume / job interview preparation

€ 240

Test-drive coaching
Only for 1 st time career coaching clients
  • ○ 30 minutes initial discussion to get to know each other and your objective
  • ○ 3 career coaching sessions to test-drive coaching
  • ○ 1 career test of your choice
  • ○ 30 minutes emergency talk between sessions if you feel the need to talk to me

€ 250

Career Boost
For experinced professionals, managers, leaders who want to perform better at their job or advance in their career
  • ○ 30 minutes initial discussion to get to know each other and your objective
  • ○ Hogan Career Report
  • ○ 6 individual career coaching sessions * 60 minutes each
  • ○ Action plan template
  • ○ WhatsApp support throughout our coaching relationship for urgent situations

€ 480/mon

List Prices

Before deciding for the best service for you, please read below a brief differentiation between coaching and counseling services.

  • Career coaching is a conversation between the coach and the client in which the client chooses the topics of discussion at the beginning of each session, and the coach listens to him, mirrors him, asks questions to reach the depth of the topic and contributes with relevant observations. Metaphorically speaking the client is the driver, and the coach is the front passenger. In the coaching relationship there is NO advice offered.
  • Career counseling is a relationship in which the counselor contributes with his expertise on the labor market and guides the client towards the discovery of his/her vocation, skills, towards overcoming obstacles and creating a realistic and immediately implementable action plan. In this relationship the counselor can offer suggestions, but the decision of choosing a course of action or another is solely the client’s decision.
  • Individual coaching – 100 eur / session 60 min
  • Individual coaching after Hogan testing – 125 eur / session 60 min
  • Individual career counseling – 40 eur / 50 min session
  • Career and psychometric tests – prices depending on the chosen test and the client’s need, between 20 eur and 75 eur / test
  • Team coaching – 450 eur / session 2h, minimum 3 people in the team – maximum 5
  • Group career counseling – 25 eur/ pers/ session, group of at least 6 people, duration depending on the topic
  • CV Analysis and advice for improvement– 30 eur/ hour (an estimation of the total numbers of hours will be done after seeing the CV)
  • HR talks – 50 eur / hour

Free needs assessment form

Before we get to know each other and to make the most out of our 20 minutes talk, please take a few minutes to answer some questions.

    Latest articles

    Read our latest blog posts and find out how can you change or improve your career immediately.
    Career Counseling vs. career coaching
    Career Counseling vs. career coaching
    There are times in our professional lives when we have dilemmas, or we encounter difficulties or simply we do not feel as fulfilled or energetic. In such moments you may wonder who would be more appropriate to talk to, a friend, a family member or other person who could advise you. But what if you talked to a specialist in the field? And who would this specialist be? 

    Everyone deserves a rewarding career!

    Achieving your career goals can lead to positive changes in all areas of your life. Coaching empowers and educates you on how to take charge of your career and achieve the success you’ve dreamed of.

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    Hello! Paula here.
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