Despre mine

„Oamenilor nu le pasa cat de multe stii, pana nu stiu cat de mult iti pasa.” John C. Maxwell

Buna, eu sunt Paula.  Sunt consilier vocational, coach de cariera si consultant in resurse umane. Si imi pasa de tine! Am 15 ani de experienta in domeniu si am increderea ca fiecare dintre noi isi poate indeplini visul profesional. Cred ca „Nu intalnim oameni intamplator, ei sunt meniti sa ne strabata calea” (anonim), deci cel mai probabil nu este intamplator faptul ca ai ajuns aici 😊

Bine ai venit pe site-ul meu!  

Sunt o brasoveanca vesela si optimista, mama unui baietel minunat pe nume Marc. Cunoscutii ma descriu ca fiind calda si prietenoasa. Clientii ma descriu ca fiind un bun ascultator care stie sa puna punctul pe I. Imi plac serialele psihologice si jocurile de societate de strategie.

Prin coaching si consiliere in cariera sprijin oamenii sa-si transforme viata, le ofer suport sa isi gaseasca metode mai sanatoase de a face fata provocarilor la locul de munca sau sa-si descopere un nou drum in cariera, spre acel job care ii face sa se simta impliniti si motivati.

Imi propun sa iti fiu sursa de inspiratie si oglinda. Te sustin sa-ti descoperi valoarea.

Experienta mea

Lucrez din  2009  in domeniul resurselor umane in zona de management al performantei, training si cultura organizationala. Mi-am dedicat ultimii ani dezvoltarii de personal, consilierii in cariera si coaching-ului, un domeniu care ma pasioneaza foarte mult.

Am experimentat HR-ul in corporatii diverse, dar si in ONG-uri precum Let’s Do It Romania si Asociatia Young Initiative. Mi-am inceput cariera in Tetra Pak Romania, iar apoi am invatat ce inseamna trainingul la standarde inalte in Mercedes-Benz Romania. In PwC Romania, din rolul de Manager de HR, am creat programe interne de coaching care i-au sustinut pe managerii din business in gestionarea provocarilor legate de leadership si performanta echipei. Ultimul meu job a fost in NEPI Rockcastle, o firma antreprenoriala de succes, in care am contribuit la crearea unei culturi de invatare si dezvoltare din rolul de Learning&Development leader. 

Proiectul meu de suflet ramane „Start in cariera” din 2015 cand, in colaborare cu Universitatea Titu Maiorescu Bucuresti, am lucrat cu peste 200 de studenti si i-am ajutat sa-si gaseasca drumul profesional, in functie de interesele si abilitatile lor individuale.

Cui ma adresez?

Astazi folosesc aceasta experienta sa dezvolt programe de coaching si consiliere in cariera pentru:

  • Elevi si studenti: ii pot sprijini sa-si gaseasca drumul profesional si sa-si descopere abilitatile, interesele, sa obtina primul job
  • Manageri din companii si lideri de echipe: ii sprijin sa isi dezvolte capabilitatile de lider si sa isi faca un plan de actiune pentru depasirea obstacolelor profesionale
  • Companii care doresc sa isi creasca performanta in business: consultanta in dezvoltarea unei culturi centrata pe oameni prin crearea si implementarea de programe de coaching individualizate.


In munca mea, practic un coaching transformational, care integreaza tehnici din diferite scoli de coaching/terapie, cum ar fi Cognitiv-Comportamentala, Gestalt, Solution Focused sau Systemic, ramanand mereu ancorata in prezent si orientata spre viitor.

Ce ma califica sa fac asta?

Am selectat cateva dintre cele mai reprezentative repere din cariera mea:

🟤 Acreditare internationala in business coaching –ACC, ICF (2020)

🟤 Certificare internationala in consiliere in cariera – GCDF (2013)

🟤 Certificarea Hogan Personality Assessment (2021)

🟤 Curs de formare “Business Coaching Diploma” – PwC Academy (2018)

🟤 Practician „Points of You” (2017)

🟤 POSDRU – Proiectul Start in Cariera pentru 5000 de studenți din Romania (2015)

🟤 Traininguri organizate in mediul privat si ONG pentru dezvoltarea carierei si a angajatilor 

🟤 Articole scrise si publicate in presa pe teme de resurse umane/cariera

🟤 Experienta in managementul instruirii de personal, dezvoltare si evaluarea performantei angajatilor

Mai multe despre experienta mea profesionala puteti descoperi pe profilul meu de LinkedIn

Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
On the same page with your partner
As relationships evolve, couples need to align their goals and work together as a team.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
On the same page with your partner
As relationships evolve, couples need to align their goals and work together as a team.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
On the same page with your partner
As relationships evolve, couples need to align their goals and work together as a team.
Bring back the spark in your relationship
Learn how to reignite the passionate intimacy in your marriage.
Planning your family and your loved ones
Rekindle the romance in your marriage even if you are planning a family with a step-by-step plan.
With the people,
for the people
I work as a supportive mentor and wellness authority who works with clients.
Feel complete,
inside and outside
I’m there fill the void for my clients to achieve their long life wishes and long term goals.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
On the same page with your partner
As relationships evolve, couples need to align their goals and work together as a team.
Strengthen your emotional bond
Solid relationships in a marriage are built on trust, emotional intimacy, love and respect.
Improve your communication
Successful couples can work through anything, provided they have communication.
Intimacy and
It takes intention and full time involvment to keep passion alive in long-term relationships.
On the same page with your partner
As relationships evolve, couples need to align their goals and work together as a team.


Dedicated to your
life improvement

Working one-on-one with a certified Life Coach can help you identify and attain your biggest goals. Our private coaching clients experience significant breakthroughs that lead them to challenge their thinking, resulting in remarkable changes in their careers, relationships and quality of life.
Identify your goals
Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
Finding the answers
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.
Finding the balance
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on the bottom line.
Achieve success
Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity.
Identify your goals
Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital.
Finding the answers
Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test.
Finding the balance
Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on the bottom line.
Achieve success
Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity.

Life coaching
in numbers

Before you start your coaching, you’re sure to have a number of questions about the journey you will soon undertake. Here are crunched numbers about it before coaching even begins.
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
0123456789001234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
0123456789001234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly
0123456789001234567890                     %
Success for all clients so far
Setting and achieving goals and objectives
012345678900123456789001234567890                     +
Clients consulted in total
Making key decisions and designing success strategies
0123456789001234567890                     +
Certificates and awards globally
Finding the ideal career/work or business
0123456789001234567890                     +
Years of coaching experience
Communicating powerfully and succinctly

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Coaching books
for you and your loved ones

With endless career opportunities and a renewed sense of independence, our coaches are empowered wellness authorities thriving in their personal and professional lives. Did we mention they love every second of it?
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