Doubtful if a career change is for you - Promeon Coaching

February 27, 2024by Paula Petric0

“One day a young man comes to the studio of the renowned artist Pablo Picasso and asks him: ‘I would like to learn from you. How long would it take me to become a great artist like you?” At least ten years!” replies Picasso. “How? Ten years?” says the young man upset, “So long?” “You know what?” replies Picasso, “In fact, maybe it will be 20 years!” “Are you sure? I don’t like the way that sounds,” he says anxiously. Picasso then turns to the young man and declares simply, “It took me a lifetime.” (Points Of You – The Coaching Game).

How much of your lifetime do you spend working? Going to the office, working from home, as an employee, freelancer or entrepreneur, whatever role you play in your professional life, it takes up a lot of your time. For sure it’s more than 50%, maybe even towards 70-75%. Whether this is a lot or little, that’s relative, and it depends on person to person. What matters to each of us is to make it a fulfilling part of our lives.

The first question I ask my clients who come to career coaching is, “What is the first thought that crosses your mind when you wake up in the morning and you have to go to work?”. That’s where it all starts. Depending on the answer received, I embark with them on an exploration of the options they have at this moment in their lives. Most of the time, the answer comes by itself, naturally: “I need to make a career change, I want to wake up excited and eager to work.”

No matter how old you are, whether you are at the beginning of your career or you have already become a recognized professional in your field, career change is possible and may be the best thing that has ever happened to you. Or not necessarily, let’s see. Excitement is good and it’s even better when it’s completed by realistic expectations and a plan to help you navigate the variety of emotions that will come your way.

First, I invite you to visualize. Close your eyes and imagine what it will be like when you get where you want to go? How do you feel once you got there? What do people around you notice when they look at you?

If you like the image, I will invite you to explore. Let’s see where you start and with what resources. Who or what can derail you and who will encourage you along the way?  What kind of energy do you need to get where you want to go?

If your decision is final, I invite you to access the left hemisphere of the brain, the rational one, and start working on the action plan. Yes, you need a plan, you need patience, and you need perseverance! You also need to know that it’s not going to be easy, and it’s important to commit to that. Or not. If you find it difficult to take a piece of paper and respond to the above questions, maybe you’re not there yet. Changing careers isn’t for everyone and that’s okay! 😉

More about what your plan should incorporate in a future article.

With gratitude 🤗


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