Imagine this scenario:
You are 17 years old and you like animals. You enjoy playing with them and you hate when they are suffering. You also like people, less than animals, but still. You have many friends and whenever someone gets injured you are there to help. Your vocation might be to become a „healer”, to save lives. This is what would give you sense, meaning and pleasure in your professional life. But what does it mean in practice? You could become a doctor, a veterinarian, a spiritual counselor, a therapist, etc. There are so many options and questions to be answered.
Dilemmas and important decisions that young people need support with. It’s scary and exciting at the same time. It can also be very confusing because you have endless opportunities and you don’t really know what is best for you.
What is happenning in a session?
In the sessions we will use career tests, personality inventories and I will guide you to find out who you are and what would be fit for your personality. This is to set the ground and help you choose a direction.
We will also talk a lot and play with different cards, like Points of YOU, which will stimulate your creativity and release the pressure of a decision, until you will feel ready to take that decision.