Hogan Assessments Suite

The Hogan Assessment is a personality assessment that predicts your performance in a job, based on how you are perceived by the people around you. As opposed to most personality tests, Hogan measures your reputation, not your identity. This provides insight into how you are being seen, as opposed to how you see yourself.

As a Hogan Assessments certified practitioner, I am equipped to offer you support in taking the assessment and interpreting the result. This type of assessment is offered only by official distributors, and it can’t be accessed individually due to its complexity.

Best suitable for experienced professionals (+3 years of experience), managerial positions, leaders, entrepreneurs or business owners. There is a suite of reports available after taking the test which present the data depending on the focus.

HPI - Hogan Personality Inventory

Focuses on the bright side of personality.

The HPI describes how you relate to others when you are at your best, what people see in you and what they appreciate.

HDS - Hogan Development Survey

Focuses on the darker side of personality.

HDS describes qualities that in situations of high stress or pressure can be taken to the extreme. These have the potential to disrupt relationships, damage reputations and derail people’s chances of success.

For example, under stress, drive can become ruthlessness or attention to detail can become micromanaging.

MVPI - Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory

This looks at the inner side of your personality.

MVPI describes the core values, drivers and interests that determine what you desire and strive to attain.

By assessing your values, you can understand what motivates you to succeed and in what type of function and environment you will be the most productive and successful.

Leadership Potential Report

A 36 page report based on information from the HPI, HDS and MVPI which is intended to help leaders become more self-aware and effective.

It measures competency areas like: following process, getting along, standing out, influencing others, leading the business and leading people.

The report highlights leadership strengths based on the model and prioritises development goals.

Leader Focus Report

Hogan’s new Leader Focus report takes elements of the HPI and MVPI to provide insight into a leader’s predisposition for six different styles of leadership focused on: people, process, thought, social, data, results.

This report can be useful as leadership development tool or in a recruitment process to match the organisation’s goals with the preferred type of leadership of the candidate.

The report will provide info about areas of effectiveness, unconscious bias and development tips.

Career Report

This high-impact report identifies the behavioural tendencies likely to affect the job performance of an employee.

It can be useful for improving performance, preparing for a leadership role or career planning.

Describes how a person is likely to act in various business circumstances, identifies strengths and shortcomings, and includes detailed developmental tips on how to manage his/her career.

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